National Nutrition Week 2022: As the name suggests, it's a week to focus on the right nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and the right eating habits that will ensure good health and long life. The first week of September is recognised as National Nutrition Week in India. In recent times, a number of cases of celebrities having heart attacks at a young age have been reported in India. Bad food choices, poor diets, stress are all directly related to heart diseases.

National Nutrition Week 2022: History


In March 1975, members of the American Dietetic Association (ADA) - now popular as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics - laid the foundation of National Nutrition Week. The aim was to educate people about what dieticians do and above all, to understand the importance of good nutrition. In the 1980s, people were so enthusiastic about it, that the celebrations lasted an entire month. In India, the National Nutrition Week was first recognised in 1982 with the government launching several initiatives to raise awareness about healthy nutrition and how it's directly related to good health and long life.

National Nutrition Week 2022: Theme

Like every year, this year too, National Nutrition Week is being celebrated under a specific theme. The theme of National Nutrition Week 2022 is 'Celebrate a World of Flavours.' The goal is to encourage people to enjoy and taste cuisine from different parts of the world while keeping the focus on healthy nutrition. Last year, the theme of Nutrition Week was 'Feeding Smart Right.'

National Nutrition Week 2022: Significance

A good, nutritious diet holds key to one's health. And in a stressful world, where a sedentary lifestyle and improper sleep and diet are causing heart ailments in young people, it is increasingly essential to focus on the right food, which gives us adequate nutrition. Obesity in urban India is a major issue. And on the other hand, there's the very serious problem of hunger that's affecting a large part of the populace. According to Global Hunger Health Index Report 2021, India ranked 101st among 116 countries. So this means, we have a long way to go to ensure that all our people have access to a nutritious diet.

National Nutrition Week 2022: Dos and Don'ts of nutrition

1) Drink 6-8 glasses of fluids daily

2) Have fresh vegetables, fruits and lean meat. Foods that are rich in dietary fibre such as whole wheat cereal products are also very good for health.

3) If you are consuming dairy products, choose low-fat or skimmed products.

4) Don't be distracted while eating. Instead of looking at TV or reading a book, be mindful of the food going into your tummy. Chew your food slowly and chew well!

5) Ordering in food has become a fad, especially in urban homes. Limit outside food and try to have home-cooked meals mainly.

6) Keep your blood sugar in control. Avoid high-sugar food such as candies, ice-creams, soft drinks and other sugar-added drinks.

7) Try to have an adequate gap between your dinner and when you hit the bed. Don't immediately go to sleep on a full stomach.

8) Instead of junk food, have healthy snacks in-between the day.

9) Don't opt for fad diets. Consult your physician before going on a strict diet and ensure you are not losing out on adequate nutrition.

10) Keep a check on your Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 levels

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