
This week you will have an important decision to make, either work or relationship related. Use your intellect and intuition both to conclude. In an existing relationship, your commitment will be unbreakable and unquestionable. Marriage or engagement is on the cards for those looking to settle down. Your work will keep you busy, and you will be working hard to achieve your target. There are chances of some dispute or tension at work.



It’s time to create a strong foundation that supports the achievement of your goals. Someone in the position of authority will be able to guide and mentor you. Maintaining clear communication will be needed in a relationship as there may be some arguments and disagreements with your partner. Think before you speak and watch your words. Finances are moving in the upward direction, job opportunity and recognition is coming your way. If you have been waiting for a promotion, things will likely go in your favour.


You may be feeling overwhelmed and stressed in your professional or personal life. It would help if you had some quiet time to pause and view things. Professionally, you will be determined and driven towards your goal. Be ready to charge forward with total energy. Don’t be hasty in decision-making related to job or career change. In love, take a break from the routine, and spend some quality moments with your partner. For singles, a new romantic partnership is foreseen.


This is the time to listen to your heart, take action and move forward. There will be good news, proposals and offers. There may be career-related opportunities- job offer or expansion of current role; be practical about the choice you make. You will receive emotional as well as financial support from your partner. Maintain a balance in your relationship; give and reciprocate your partner's emotions.


Don't strive or struggle too much; relax and enjoy. Do things that make you happy. There may be a job offer or an opportunity in an existing role; be practical while deciding. There will be money-making opportunities but weigh the options carefully before making any investments. It is an excellent time to begin new relationships and nurture your existing relationships; however, there is a need to balance personal life and work matters.


There will be emotional support and harmony at home. However, you may feel some negativity in your relationship. Don't assume and accept whatever is happening around you; speak up and clarify. Home improvement renovations are also on the cards. Spend time fostering your relationship with your loved ones. At work, your efforts and talents will be recognised. Take charge, display leadership qualities and be courageous. It is an excellent time to get involved in a creative project.


You will be in command of the situation at work or in relationships. It is time to take charge of things and focus on logic rather than the heart. There will be security, stability, and abundance in all critical areas of life. In relationships, there will be happiness & contentment. Love is on its way for singles, and you could meet someone through business or work. You could receive favourable news about the job interview that you may have given. Get going on the plan you’ve been thinking of but plan correctly. Be practical with money & expenses.


Now is the time to make real progress towards your goals. Stay focussed and don’t rush things. Harness your energy and focus on your plan. This is the week of commitment and promises in your relationship. You and your partner will have to put in equal effort to make your bond grow more robust. If you are beginning the journey of love, you need to be patient. At work, there will be competition, but you must hold your position and not give up. Be practical with money as losses may incur because of oversight and lack of attention.


You may be at a crossroads and need to make a crucial decision because the choice you will make now will have a long-lasting impact. It is the week of success, attainment, and accomplishment that brings recognition and accolades. You will be capable of great intellectual and creative achievements. The days ahead are suitable for investments & business ventures. In love, you have to be patient, and things may be a little slow and not the way you had imagined. However, your partner's feelings towards you will grow stronger with time!


You will be trying to maintain a balance between your work and personal life. You may have to make a decision related to finances or money management. There could be a temporary cash-flow issue. You or your partner may indulge in petty arguments and disagreements. Don’t be over analytical. Excellent & clear communication will help bridge differences. The work environment will be supportive; there will be teamwork and security. You will be full of ideas and enthusiasm, and your talent will be appreciated.


There is harmony and cooperation in relationships, and there will be an equal give and take. There will be support from friends and family. This is a great week to revisit the old memories and reconnect with old friends. You will notice progress in your projects and financial stability. You will witness the fruits of your hard work and efforts.


This week brings a new opportunity or a new idea. You are urged to follow your passion and instincts. It is an excellent time to start something new or pursue your passion. Your relationship is set to move forward. You & your partner will be spending some quality time together to strengthen your connection. Money is coming, but be careful with your finances and not make any hasty judgements. Make sure you have all the facts and information needed to make a rational decision about your career, money or investment.

(These Tarot Card predictions are by Chhavi Upadhyay, who is a Delhi–based, intuitive Tarot Practitioner  & Consultant)