
Communication within the family and with the partner will improve. However, there may be a need to resolve a conflict or doubts within the family. Be practical but also be understanding and compassionate. You may face some problems at work or discontentment in your job. Focus your energy and resources on one thing that will give you results. Spend wisely and do not take any loans or make any investments.



You will find yourself caught in the middle of a situation and not knowing which side to choose at work. You may have a choice to make between two jobs or career paths. Consider all the facts before making any decision. Make sure that you are wise with finances. They could be a sudden positive turn of events in your love life. Be wary of unnecessary fights or arguments in relationships. Keep communication clear and be patient and loving to your partner.


Don’t hold yourself back; express your feelings. Be loving and appreciate those who love you. In matters of heart, think from your head. Keep your emotions under control but be expressive and speak your mind if you want your needs to be met. There will be accomplishments, achievement of goals and hard work paying off. There could be a new job, starting a business where your experience & skills will be put to use.


Travel is on the cards for some of you, either for work or leisure. This week brings opportunities to be explored and achievements for you. You will be able to complete your pending tasks efficiently. Things will move fast around you, and there will be much positive action like phone calls, emails, networking. Your relationship with your partner blooms, and your bond will grow stronger. You will be spending much time together and enjoying more. You can expect some good news about children.


You will be determined and driven towards your goal. Be ready to charge forward with total energy. Sudden truths or underlying issues at work or relationships may come to light. There could be some disputes at work or within the family. You may not have time for a connection or intimacy this week. You will spend so much time in your head that little will be left for your heart.


The tough time is over at work, and your hard work will pay off. You will be content with the money flow and acknowledgement coming your way. Your position in the organisation will be secure.  Investments in a home or property or a small business are indicated. There may be some hurdles in love, and you may need to defend your position, stand up for yourself, and fight for your love. Your emotions and love may be put to the test.


You may experience unhappiness in relationships, insecurities, and anxiety. But it is not as bad as it seems; it is mostly in your head. Take time out to reassess and gather your thoughts. However, everything will be going fine at work at the moment. There is financial stability, and you will be more than willing to spend money on your loved ones. The work environment will be supportive. If you have been working on a project, you will achieve an important milestone.


There will be some discord and discontentment at the home front. Try to bridge the gap with your spouse or lover with understanding, compassion and clear communication. Do not overthink the harsh words and behaviours of people around you. Good fortune in teamwork and partnership is indicated, and you will profit from getting into an alliance or joint venture in business. Financially, it is a good time.


At work, you will establish a strong position and showcase leadership qualities. Show the strength of character and patience to resolve any difference with coworkers. If you have been thinking of starting a business, now is the time to take the lead. Don’t be impulsive with money. There will be surprises, fun, & good news for you in love. Starting a family is also on the cards. Express your love and infuse some romance into your relationship.


You may feel stressed out or under pressure at work & financially; it could be a challenging time. Take some time away from your hectic routine to recharge, gather thoughts and clear your head of negativity to plan well. Family plays an important part this week, and you will be surrounded by people you love. There will be security and long-term commitment in relationships. Marriage or engagement is on the cards for those looking to settle down.


There will be harmony and cooperation in relationships and an equal give and take. There will be support from friends and family. This is a great week to revisit the old memories and reconnect with old friends. You will be loving, caring, and compassionate towards your partner. There is a possibility of changes in your career path or workplace. Be flexible in work-related matters and use your imagination and creativity to get desired results.


You will witness deeper commitments and stability in love. If you are in a relationship, it may take a positive turn, and if settling down is what you desire, things may start moving in that direction. This could be an intense time at work. You could be in for an unexpected change in your job situation. This may upset you and create a sense of insecurity. Restructuring at the workplace is foreseen.

(These Tarot Card predictions are by Chhavi Upadhyay, who is a Delhi–based, intuitive Tarot Practitioner  & Consultant)