
If you love someone, please don't hesitate to say it. You and your partner will stay connected on an intellectual and emotional level. Pay attention to your partner and do not hesitate to make the first move. Your focus will be finances, money and investments this week, and you will be working hard to save for a rainy day. You may find yourself dealing with someone who is headstrong at your workplace. Avoid taking any risks related to your job and finances.



You will be compassionate and accepting. There will be love, security, and emotional fulfilment in your relationship. Be open and honest about your feelings, and reciprocate emotions. Listen to your heart in matters of love. People at your workplace will take note of your work. You will fully use your skills and talents to accomplish your goals. A favourable week to acquire new clients and close financial deals or sign contracts. 


Temporary financial hardship, loss, and emotional distress are foreseen. You may feel isolated and left behind on your own. Feeling of insecurity and lack of attention in your relationship might bother you. You may be feeling stressed out or under pressure at work. All you need is some rest and time away from a hectic routine to get back on track. Watch your expenses; buy only the essentials for now. 


You will be happy and busy spending time with people you love and doing things that you are passionate about. There will be love, optimism and intimacy in your relationship. There could be a promotion or a bonus coming your way. It is an excellent time to start a new business or job. In terms of money and investments, there will be prosperity and abundance.


You will be full of energy, fervour and zeal both in your personal and professional lives. There could be the beginning of a new relationship, promotion, a new job or the start of a new project. It’s the start of something extraordinary. You would want to achieve a lot following a measured approach towards how much work you can do. You will be spending some quality time with your spouse. Going out for a coffee or taking a trip, you will be together.


This week, you will be guided by your passion and instincts. There will be surprises, fun, excitement, and good news. Starting a family is also on the cards for some of you. Explore new ways to express your love and infuse romance into your relationship. Someone influential or in a position of power will help you advance in your career. Your superiors will be happy with your effort, and you will win compliments for your work.


You will be working with people to accomplish your goals and supporting them in achieving theirs. Relationships with your colleagues or business partners will get intense. You will benefit financially through business partnerships, joint ventures and collaborations. There will be kindness and understanding in your relationship. You may receive emotional as well as financial support from your partner. Maintain a balance in your relationship and spend time with your spouse; give and reciprocate your partner's emotions.


You will feel inspired and motivated to try something. So, if you have been thinking of starting something, now is the time. You will reach a point where you will start enjoying the fruits of your hard work and efforts in the past. Finances look good, and money is coming your way, but because of your hard work and not just luck. This week brings new beginnings and prosperity. In love, there will be happiness and contentment. Maintain clear and honest communication with your partner.


You see your destination but will need a roadmap to reach there. At work, there is a potential for new opportunities. There may be career-related opportunities- job offer or expansion of current role; be mindful & practical about the choice you make. All will be going well in your relationship, and you will be happy with your choices. You and your partner may travel together. Singles will probably meet someone.


You will be working hard and in a focused way to create a solid foundation for your business or your work life. You will be dedicated to a work-related goal. There is a need to balance personal life and work matters. Your relationship with your spouse will be practical but also understanding and compassionate. There may be a need to resolve conflicts or doubts within the family. Do not involve others or allow others to interfere in your family matters/ problems.


Let your hair down, and have some fun. Your partner will be supportive, and there will be light, enjoyable moments and a bit of indulgence. If you are single, you will find someone; a good friendship may turn into love/romance, or someone from your past may reappear. Work obstacles will be removed, and your rational thinking will help you achieve your goals. Be assertive and express your ideas clearly.


Focus on your role as a partner and what value you bring to your relationship, not what others say about you. Maybe you are refusing to see the other person’s side. Try to be more cooperative and flexible. This is not the best time for you professionally, either. Your coworker might go against you; no matter how hard you try, they seem to have the upper hand. Be extremely careful with your finances, and do not make any investments.

(These Tarot Card predictions are by Chhavi Upadhyay, who is a Delhi–based, intuitive Tarot Practitioner & Consultant)