New Delhi: The Kerala government has slashed the state tax on petrol and diesel, only hours after the central government announced excise duty reduction on the two key commodities. KN Balagopal, the Finance Minister of the Left-wing government, has announced that the state's fuel and diesel taxes will be reduced from Rs 2.41 to Rs 1.36 per litre.


The news agency ANI cited him as stating, "The Kerala government announces a reduction in tax on fuel and diesel by Rs 2.41 and Rs 1.36, respectively."

Meanwhile, the Trinamool Congress has criticised the move, claiming that the government has the ability to lower excise duties even further.

"It is insufficient, especially since the (Central Government) recently hiked the price of petrol and diesel by Rs 10. Because the states' budgets are largely in trouble, the federal government still has the flexibility to lower excise duty further rather than pressing them to reduce VAT, "Saugata Roy, a TMC MP, stated.