New Delhi: Many companies allocate various funds to be spent on employees, however in a bizarre case, that was shared in social media, a woman spent nearly 1.7 lakh for her own farewell party from the company's tab and that too without resigning.


In a post, shared in Reditt, the startup owner has said, while she was away for business, her employee used company credit card to pay for her massive farewell party, without even quitting her job.

The woman said that she owns a mid-sized tech consulting firm and hired a new assistant called Lily a few months ago. 

The 26 year old assistant Lily has been described as 'competent' by the owner, though 'she had a quirky personality and sometimes blurred professional lines' found the latter.

"Last week, I was out of town for a conference, and while I was away. Lily emailed everyone in the company, announcing she was "leaving to pursue new horizons" and threw herself a massive farewell party at the office. She used the company credit card to order catering, decorations, custom cake, and even arranged for a bartender to set up a drink station in the break room. The total bill was close to $2,000 (Approx Rs 1.7 lakh).

The woman said that she was shocked to find that she didn't receive a resignation from her assistant when she came back, because the employee hadn't actually quit! 

"When I confronted her, she said she was "testing" how much people appreciated her and wanted to see if anyone would "convince her to stay." She called it a "social experiment." I was furious and fired her on the spot for misuse of company funds and deceptive behavior. Now, she's blowing up on social media, claiming I'm a "soulless boss" who has "no respect for mental health and personal exploration." She says! should have appreciated her "creative way of bonding with the team," said the owner.