Chennai, June 06: The Centre would launch a Website exclusively for promoting the country's trade and commerce abroad, a top government official has said. The Website would contain success stories of Indian industry and would be useful in promoting the country's image abroad, joint secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs CM Bhandari said at an interactive session with commercial representatives of West Asia and North African (WANA) countries, organised here by CII.

He said the Union Ministry dealing with pharmaceuticals proposed to invite drug regulators from various countries to visit drug manufacturing units and see for themselves the strict enforcement of drug regulations in the country and dispel the country's unfortunate image of being a spurious drug manufacturing country.
Referring to the Indian missions abroad, he regretted that most of them were being used as travel agents and being contacted by exporters only when they ran into difficulties.
The missions could help Indian industrialists to know the standing of companies in their respective areas they were doing business with, he said. Bureau Report