Brasilia, May 12: Brazil's justice ministry has announced the expulsion of New York Times correspondent Larry Rohter two days after the newspaper published a story about President Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva's drinking problem. The article detailed concerns about the President's alcohol use, calling it "a national concern," and said "some of (Lula's) countrymen have begun wondering if their President's predilection for strong drink is affecting his performance in office."
In a statement, the ministry of justice criticised the report.
"In the face of irresponsible reporting of lies and offense to the honour of the President of the Federal Republic of Brazil, with grave injury to the image of the country abroad published in the May 9 edition of the New York Times, the ministry of justice considers in accordance with the law... considers the presence of the author of the above-referenced article in our territory unacceptable," the statement said.
"These conditions have caused the cancellation of the temporary visa of William Larry Rohter, Junior."
The government had earlier said Lula's drinking habits were moderate and not unlike those of most Brazilians.
The Times story quoted Lula's friends and opponents, whose stories attested to the President's tippling, a habit that dates to his youth.
One of those is 1998 running-mate Leonel Brizola, whom the Times quoted saying Lula is "destroying the neurons in his brain."
Bureau Report