New Delhi, June 07: Expressing concern over the leadership controversy in the BJP, RSS chief K S Sudarshan has counselled the party to focus more on its ideology and rinciples and less on individuals even as he appreciated the "good work" being done by party chief M Venkaiah Naidu. Ahead of the BJP's crucial brainstorming session near Mumbai beginning June 17, Sudarshan telephoned Naidu from the party headquarters at Nagpur last evening and said while it was important for political parties to project their leaders, the emphasis should be on ideology, principles and programmes of the organisation, Sangh Parivar sources told
The advice came close on the heels of a statement by HRD Minister Murli Manohar Joshi that the projection of Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee as 'Vikas Purush' (man of development) was a personal viewpoint of Naidu and not endorsed by any party fora.
The Sangh had been consistently "opposed" to the emergence of any "personality cult" not only within the RSS but also all the affiliated organisations such as VHP and BJP as it tends to "dilute" ideology, principles and programmes which were "paramount", the sources said.
Bureau Report