BJP and MDMK, constituents of the NDA and the CPI-M on Monday demanded a judicial probe into the violence that marred the DMK rally on Sunday and the subsequent police firing. While BJP demanded a probe by the Centre, MDMK and CPI-M asked for a judicial probe. BJP's Tamil Nadu unit president S P Kirupanidhi, in a statement, said that it was a mystery how the violence erupted that too in front of the DGP's office. The photographs, appearing in newspapers had clearly shown that anti-social elements were standing with the police, he said and asked how they were seen with the police. Only a probe by the Centre could clear many doubts in the minds of the public, he said. MDMK general secretary Vaiko, in a statement, describing the attacks on journalists by police as 'attack on the foundation of democracy’, also condemned the police firing and the attack on police personnal. He demanded a judicial probe into the incidents.
While condemning the attacks on journalists, the CPI-M's Tamil Nadu unit secretary N Sankaraiah, demanded action against those, who attacked the media personnel.
About the violence, he said that democratic traditions were being 'misused' for making the Centre to interfere in the state. Doubts had been expressed that violence was planned only to enable the centre to interfere in the state's affairs.
Bureau Report