Mumbai, Oct 13: NCP today welcomed the MPCC chief Ranjit Deshmukh's statement claiming that he had never issued any ultimatum to its president Sharad Pawar on the issue of Congress president Sonia Gandhi's foreign origin. "This is a good statement as far as the government is concerned,” NCP spokesperson, Praful Patel told news agencies today.
"It will work well for the coalition government in Maharashtra,” he said.
Stung by Pawar's criticism of Sonia at a public rally in New Delhi, MPCC chief Ranjit Deshmukh had on Saturday asked its coalition partner to clarify its stance on the foreign origin issue within seven days.
An aggressive Deshmukh had stated that his party was willing to pull out of the government and would no more tolerate any `attack on its leadership'.
However, today Deshmukh climbed down on the issue of Sonia Gandhi's foreign origin saying he had never given any ultimatum to NCP Pawar nor talked of snapping ties with the coalition partner in the state.
Bureau Report