Madrid, Mar 20: A former Spanish miner held over the Madrid rail attacks led four Moroccans to an explosives' store from where they stole the dynamite that killed several people. The Spaniard, one of the five suspects arrested on Thursday, directed the Moroccans to the dump in the northern province of Asturias where he knew security was lax.
The Moroccans stole 100 kg of explosives in February, The Spaniard, who has a criminal record for drug trafficking and illegal arms possession, told police the Moroccans said they needed the bombs for a mine in Morocco. Aside from the Spaniard, two Indians are being held. The nationality of the 10th suspect is unknown, although sources say he is North African.
Zapatero, leader of Spain's socialists who takes office next month, has vowed to stand by his promise to pull out of Iraq unless the United Nations takes control by mid-year. Bureau Report