New Delhi: There is no denying the fact that a man looks incomplete without a beard. No matter what all you may try, but only a beard helps a boy to transform into a man. Without-a-doubt, facial hair raises the macho quotient of a man to infinity. It is tried and tested.


Apart from making you look better, a beard has got several other benefits too. It straightaway sets you apart from the league of immature boys. For the record, chicks love men and not kids.

If you aren't still convinced enough, we have some powerful reasons that will make you grow a beard.

Builds confidence: Men have been growing beard since the big bang. Ancient men were pretty firm with their approach. It is believed that a fully-grown beard gives men a sense of confidence that makes him feel at par with the best.

Manliness quotient: Grow a beard, then compare yourself with a clean-shaven man of your age. You will definitely feel more macho. Probably, tougher than ever. It is surely a perception changer. Even men find other men with beard more attractive.

Attitude matters: Dump the idea of shaving - it is for young boys. Men prefer a more carefree attitude and it reflects in the lifestyle. Beard makes you look more intense and philosophical.

Chick magnet: Yes, opposite sex loves men with beards. An attractive beard can emerge out to be a head-turner and even a conversation starter at times.

Additional benefits: Beard helps fights skin problems and keeps you young. But who cares? Beards define men, and it is a good enough reason to start growing beard, like now.

Guys, it is time to set foot into manhood.