Washington, June 27: US Secretary of State Colin Powell has said that America has no plans to attack Iran or Syria but is concerned "about the fact that they support terrorism". When asked whether the method of handling Iraq was going to be used against other countries also he said, "Iraq was a unique case". "Twelve years worth of UN resolutions condemning Iraq, a regime that would not answer to the international community, a regime that was in violation of all its obligations," Powell told a television channel in Jordan. Commenting on the US-led peace efforts in Middle East, Powell said, "We are speaking out in the cause of peace. The President has made it clear that he is fully behind the roadmap, and the roadmap will lead to peace."
Both sides have obligations and both sides have commitments, he said adding both have to make changes to the policies they have been following in order to achieve peace.
"And so you can be sure that the United States will be speaking out for peace, speaking out for the roadmap in order to move forward, and not just to level charges back and forth," said Powell.
Iran and Syria, said Powell, would do well to join this process, by stopping support of terrorist activity, and joining in the movement to peace, because we are looking for a comprehensive settlement that will include Syria and Lebanon. Bureau Report