Mumbai, Aug 17: The condition of anti-corruption crusader and social activist Anna Hazare, on a fast-unto-death for the ninth day today, was "critical", according to a doctor at the site. "His liver and kidney functions are affected and his general condition is weak,” said Dr D J Pote, camping at Azad Maidan.
Hazare's blood and urine tests till yesterday showed increase in bilurubin and creatinine levels respectively, he said. However, his water intake was normal and the changes in the metabolism were due to fasting, he said.
Hazare, who has lost four kgs during the nine days, however, maintained he would continue his agitation despite the Maharashtra government's decision to appoint a one-member commission to probe the "irregularities" by four ministers as alleged by him.
"His blood pressure and heart conditions are fine and his haemoglobin level is also perfect so far," Pote added.
"We have advised him to get admitted in hospital, but Hazare refuses as injection of saline means ending fasting. His blood samples have also been sent for testing today....," Pote said.
Hazare maintained he was unhappy with the government decision to institute a one-man commission probe.
He said, "I will not be satisfied merely by assurances. I want the government to promulgate an ordinance on my demands.” His demands included ordinances on the transfer policy, empowerment of gram sabha and speedy implementation of administrative procedures. Bureau Report