Kuala Lumpur, Dec 01: A Singapore court has sentenced a man of Indian origin to 26 years in jail and 24 strokes of the cane for raping an air stewardess and molesting her colleague in a hotel. Suresh Nair Vellayutham, 28 and unemployed with an advanced diploma in computer studies, was found guilty of five charges, including rape and molestation by a local court here, a media report said. Justice Tay Yong Kwong sentenced Nair, a Malaysian, to a total of 26 years and maximum of 24 strokes allowed by law, for violating the arms offences act and for aggravated molestation. Nair, who was in remand since April 11 had raped an air stewardess twice and forced her to pose for lewd pictures along with molesting her colleague on April 8 by threatening them with a toy pistol, 'The Straits Times' daily reported.
During the trial, the court was told that the rape victim, who is married, had an abortion a month after the attack. The victim is currently undergoing counseling.
Bureau Report