Hyderabad,July 20: Accusing the Andhra Pradesh government of persisting with "fake" encounters, banned People's War Group (PWG) Friday announced it was pulling out of peace talks and withdrawing the truce even as Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu said doors were open for dialogue and asked the naxalite group to lay down arms. The dramatic announcement by PWG State Secretary Ramakrishna, however, contained a rider saying they would be ready for talks "at any point of time if government announces and abides by ceasefire and creates conducive atmosphere". Charging Chandrababu Naidu government with "double-speak" and trying to scuttle peace talks through "unabated police encounters", he said in a statement that the government's participation in the earlier three rounds of preliminary talks was only a "ritual to avoid pressure from people and democrats". The move came as a severe blow to government's efforts to carry forward the dialogue process as PWG had earlier announced that it would make up its mind by July 20 on sending its leaders for direct talks. Bureau Report