Lucknow, Dec 20: Amidst reports of "home coming" of one of the rebel MLAs into the party fold, dissident BJP legislators in Uttar Pradesh are holding a crucial meeting today to intensify their campaign. The steering committee of the group would hold a meeting on Friday to decide as to how this campaign could be taken to the village level, Ramashish Rai, the spokesman of the save BJP committee told reporters here Thursday.
"We have decided to go to the districts to apprise people of the persecution of legislators who had raised a banner of revolt against the mis-rule of the Mayawati-led government, said Rai adding that the detailed programme would be chalked out in Friday`s meeting.
Alleging that some of the dissident legislators were being booked under false cases, he said, "our fight against the government will continue."
He, however, denied that chinks have appeared in the dissident ranks claiming that Dr Ganga Bux Singh, who shared a dias with state Urban Development Minister Lalji Tandon in a meeting on Wednesday, was still an active member of the rebel group. "No one has deserted us," Rai claimed. Bureau Report