Mumbai, Sept 21: On certain conditions, a special court has allowed film actor Sanjay Dutt, an accused in the 1993 bomb blast case, to visit Holland from September 25 to October 1 to perform a stage show. The permission was granted yesterday by designated judge P D Kode who directed the actor to attend the court on his return.
The court has directed the actor to ensure that he was represented by his lawyer Farhana Shah in his absence. The judge also warned him not to establish any contact with any absconding accused and also to restrain from tampering with evidence.
The judge noted that in the past the actor had gone abroad several times and had never misused any conditions imposed by the court. Therefore, looking into his past conduct, the court was allowing him to go abroad.
The show is organised by Cineyug Entertainment Pvt Ltd and will be performed by Sanjay Dutt at Ahoy Stadium at Rotterdam, his lawyer told the court.
The actor is facing the charge of possessing an AK-56 rifle in a notified area. He is also facing the charge of destroying the weapon in a foundry with the help of his friends. The actor has denied the charges. Bureau Report