Washington, June 19: The US public has been drinking less French wine as a protest against the Paris` refusal to support the US` war on Iraq, pulling the European country`s wine sales down by 17.6 per cent.
Catherine Baudry, an official with the French wine and spirits exporters federation, was quoted by a US newspaper as saying that the decline in sales in the US continued "seriously" in April and across "nearly all" of France`s wine regions.
The boycott movement against French imports began in Congress, where French Fries (finger chips) were renamed `Freedom Chips` on the menu in Congressional dining halls.
The American public is not so far as disturbed as the British public over the failure of the US and British invaders to find any evidence of weapons of mass destruction though that was the ground they gave to justify the invasion.
The American attitude is that Saddam Hussein`s regime was so evil that he deserved to go in any case.

Americans are also very proud of the spectacular performance of their armed forces who, they believe, redefined war by using the new "smart" weapons which lessened their casualties as well as those of the civilian population and reduced collateral damage.

Bureau Report