Lucknow, June 20: Addressing a press conference here, Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati today made it clear that she would stick by her earlier decision of handing over the Madhumita murder case probe to the CBI. Mayawati said, "I received a second fax from Madumuita’s mother today. She has sought a probe into her daughter`s murder case by CB-CID once again. I have taken it very seriously."

The Chief Minister continued, "Judging by the fast changing stance of Madhumita’s mother, it seems her mental state is not well and we cannot take her statements seriously any more."

Mayawati asserted, "I want the probe to be impartial, whether it is a common man or a criminal. So I will let CBI continue the probe. All are the same in the eyes of justice. My government has proved it is impartial. I hope the truth will come out soon. "

Talking about Amar Mani Tripathi, Mayawati said that there is no difficulty in including the sacked minister in her cabinet. "There have been instances in the past where ministers involved in different cases have continued on their positions. For example, Jayalalithaa, Rabri Devi, Ajit Jogi, and many others," she said.
But in favour of an unbiased and a foolproof probe, the Chief Minister said, "To maintain high standards in public life and keeping in mind Madhumita’s mother’s changing statements, I have taken the decision that only after CBI clears his name will Amar Mani Tripathi be re-inducted."

She further said that it was a matter of regret that opposition parties have taken this opportunity to malign her and her government`s name.
Bureau Report