New Delhi, Sep 02: Warning its cadres of the likelihood of early general elections, the Congress high command has instructed its state units to bring to a halt rail traffic across the country for an hour on September 22. This is intended to be the first Congress salvo against the NDA government. An AICC circular, signed by general secretary Oscar Fernandes and sent to all party secretaries, PCC chiefs and frontal organisations, makes clear the nationwide rail roko programme: ‘‘Country’s entire railway lifeline should be brought to a halt for one hour’’ from 11 am to 12 noon.

The circular, which lists the Congress gameplan, was prepared around the time the party moved a no-confidence motion against the Vajpayee government in Lok Sabha.

Emphasising the need for urgent action, the circular reads: ‘‘You are aware that in addition to the five state assembly elections, it is also likely that elections to Parliament may be held any time early next year. Therefore, it is all the more necessary that we take all steps and measures to expose the hollow promises of the BJP.’’

The protests are to start from September 15 with Congress workers picketing outside ‘‘Central Government offices like railways, post offices, telephone exchanges.’’

‘‘If need be, the workers could court arrest. These programmes should not be symbolic,’’ is the terse message.

During these demonstrations, the party also plans to identify ‘sympathisers.’
‘‘It is found that normally in all the programmes, the participation is by our own party people... to cover other sections of people, organise corner meetings at bus stations, railway stations, daily market places, outside cinema theatres, factories and educational institutions.’’

The circular also tells party workers what should be highlighted during the protests. ‘‘They (NDA) claimed that their’s is a government with a difference and they have proved it also by being the most corrupt government. We have drawn up issues of non-governance and issue of corruption ridden with scams.’’

The party plans to raise the CAG report on Defence procurement related to the Kargil war and the PAC and CVC reports on Defence deals.
The party wants workers to highlight how basic equipment and supplies could not reach the Army during the Kargil war and how ‘‘Rs 1046 crores... entirely in foreign exchange was spent fruitlessly, breaching established principles.’’