New Delhi, Feb 25: Pakistan today said the recent peace moves between India and Pakistan provided an ''opportunity of a lifetime'' to the two countries to resolve all outstanding issues and promised that Islamabad would be ''sincere'' in its efforts in this direction. ''The process to resolve all outstanding issues, which started with Prime Minister (Atal Bihari) Vajpayee's initiative in April last year and was well accepted by Pakistan, is certainly an opportunity of a lifetime,'' Pakistan High Commissioner to India Aziz Ahmed Khan said.
Speaking after welcoming a business delegation from the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) at the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Assocham) here, he said the leadership of Pakistan was sincere in implementing the peace process ''which will lead to good neighbourly relations''.
Khan said the official level talks in Islamabad earlier this month as well as those held on the sidelines of the Saarc summit in January were important for the peace process.
''They provided a roadmap for a series of meetings through which dialogue can take place on all issues,'' he said.
On the bilateral trade between the two countries, he admitted they were currently at a low level. ''Volume of trade between India and Pakistan is low and, I believe, does not reflect the real potential,” he said.
''I am sure that with these recent peace initiatives and the dialogue process, economic relations will also move forward,'' Khan added.
According to Assocham, official bilateral trade between India and Pakistan stands at just about 250 million dollars.
On Safta, he said details would be formalised during the Commerce Secretary level talks be held around June this year. ''They will look into this and other related issues,'' the High Commissioner said.
Also, he said the rising number of people-to-people exchanges between India and Pakistan through delegation visits was also a step forward towards normalisation of relations.
Bureau Report