United Nations, Jan 30: The United Nations took a cautious step in recognizing gay and unmarried heterosexual partnerships by deciding to grant health and other benefits to staff if their home country allows it.

Although a relatively small number of staff would be affected, the administrative order by Secretary-General Kofi Annan could lead to a muddle, with some wondering why standards differ according to nationalities and some general assembly members questioning the entire action, diplomats said yesterday.
But Susan Allee, a founding member of Globe, the Gay and Lesbian or Bisexual Employees at the United Nations, said her group was ''thrilled'' at the announcement.
''It is a step toward acknowledgment that there is great diversity in the staff of the United Nations,'' said Allee, an American and an expert on Lebanon in the UN Peacekeeping department.
According to a bulletin Annan issued on January 20 but not released until yesterday, the united nations would request permission from the country of origin of the staff member ''to confirm the existence and validity of the domestic partnership contracted by the staff member under the law of that country.''
UN spokesman Farhan Haq said the new ruling, which comes into force on Sunday, would have a great impact on unmarried heterosexual couples rather than gays.
Bureau Report