London: Actor Sam Claflin says he has had enough of being offered heart-throb roles. The 29-year-old "Hunger Games" star said that he often gets "overlooked" for other parts because of his previous movies, reported Guardian.


"I hate being offered heart-throb after heart-throb. It is something that stresses me out about the industry, that because you've done one part you can't do any others - you want to say, 'I act, you know. I can pretend'," Claflin said.

"You get overlooked because of the way you talk or look. Because I did The Riot Club I'm offered a lot of posh roles, and people won't cast me as 'taxi driver number 3'."

Claflin went on to reveal that he has "definitely experienced the loneliness" of acting. "During the first Hunger Games we were out in Atlanta for six months," he recalled. "I was in a hotel, and all I had for company was a box set of Friends."