Colombo, Dec 03: Sri Lanka's President Chandrika Kumaratunga has ordered the arrest of Tamil Tiger rebels accused of orchestrating attacks against minority Muslims, officials said today. Kumaratunga yesterday met with military commanders and police officers from the embattled Northeastern district of Trincomalee where there have been clashes between Tamils and Muslims, the island's two main minority groups, in the past week, officials said.

"The President ordered the police to arrest any person, including Tamil Tiger cadres, who are responsible for any breach, of the peace," said an official in Kumaratunga's office.

He said the President was told that six people had been killed in what appeared to be inter-communal clashes in the past few days. Kumaratunga took over the ministries of defence, interior and information on November 04, sparking a bitter power struggle with her cohabitation government.

A Norwegian-backed peace process with Tamil Tiger rebels has been put on hold by Oslo amid uncertainty as to who is really in charge in Colombo.

A truce brokered by the Norwegians which has been in effect since February 23 last year does not allow immunity for criminal activity. Bureau Report