Washington: Jennifer Lawrence has recently joined the fight against Ebola, with her co-stars of ' The Hunger Games '.


The Oscar winner actress and her 'Hunger Games' co-stars together has raised a step against Ebola and joined hands with 'Ebola survival Fund' and uploaded a video for the awareness of the disease, People Magazine reported.

The awareness video included Jeffery Wright informing that the world is facing the largest Ebola outbreak in history, in which Lawrence added that Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone are the worst hit countries.

Josh Hutcherson further continued that in Liberia they had 50 doctors for 4.4 million people, but Dr. Paul Farmer, co-founder of 'Partners in Health' concluded that with the high quality of supportive care, the great majority of people in West Africa will survive Ebola.

The 24-year-old actress didn't show her heart first time as recently on Christmas Eve, she visited a children's hospital in her hometown.