Washington: Angelina Jolie Pitt and her daughter Shiloh recently visited Lebanon together to spend some quality time with 12-year-old Syrian refugee girl.


The 40-year-old actress met Hala a year ago during a trip for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, People Magazine has reported.

The American humanitarian said that her daughter was very aware that the actress hold refugee families in high regard and so she has been asking to come on missions and meet them for many years.

It was wonderful that they were able to meet, play together, and make friends, she further added.

After leaving Lebanon, Jolie Pitt and Shiloh headed to Midyat Camp in Turkey to mark World Refugee Day with UNHCR High Commissioner Antonio Guterres and meet with Syrian and Iraqi refugees before joining Brad Pitt and the rest of the family for Father's Day for a big celebration.