Raipur, July 18: With general elections less than a year away, the Bharatiya Janta Party`s top brass begins its three-day national executive meet today.
In an attempt to pacify the Sangh Parivar and fall back to the Hindu card ahead of five assembly elections, the BJP has decided to propel Ayodhya to the centrestage.

The three-day national executive meeting of the party beginning here today has decided to adopt a separate resolution on Ayodhya supporting the demand for construction of a Ram Temple.

On the eve of the meeting, party general secretary and spokesman Pramod Mahajan told reporters, ``The issue has been the centre of focus for the party since the Palanpur resolution in 1989 and continues to be on the party agenda.

``It has been part of the party manifestos in all elections, barring the 1999 Lok Sabha elections when the party supported the NDA and did not release its agenda.``
He said that the executive would deliberate on the RSS` suggestion to resolve the issue through a legislation in Parliament. But the party, Mahajan observed, had already made it clear that it would not go beyond the NDA agenda which has kept this controversial issue out.
Bureau Report