Durban, Nov 23: Taking a cue from their English counterparts, the United Cricket Board of South Africa has decided to introduce 20-over cricket games to boost spectator support for the game in the country. The plan, according to UCB, will be put into operation in April next year once the details were ironed out.

The 20-over matches, to be played under flood lights, will be similar to the twenty-twenty cricket already experimented with by the England and Wales Cricket Board. South Africa's top national players would be involved in about 16 matches to be sponsored by the standard bank and private sport TV channel Supersport.

The bank has guaranteed a sponsorship of six-million-Rand to cover travel and accommodation expenses while the TV channel will telecast all the games.

The money generated from gate collection will go directly to the provinces. The new competition will start as soon as South Africa's national team returns from a tour of New Zealand early in April next year.

Bureau Report