Lucknow, Oct 07: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav has allocated portfolios to his 97 ministers, but kept key portfolios of Home and Finance with himself. The announcement of portfolios for Samajwadi Party-led coalition's jumbo-sized council of ministers came late last night. The important ministries of Irrigation and Rural Engineering Service went to Anuradha Choudhary and Kokab Hamid, respectively, who belong to Rashtriya Lok Dal. Apart from the Home and Finance portfolios, Mulayam Singh Yadav would also administer Cane Development, Appointments, Industrial Development, Excise, Cooperatives, and others, altogether 33 departments. While, PWD and Health have been given to Kusum Rai and Rajveer Singh of Rashtriya Kranti Party, respectively, Transport went to Reoti Raman Singh of Samajwadi Party, official sources said.
Ahmed Hasan, Shivpal Yadav and Azam Khan are the new ministers for Family Welfare, Agriculture and Parliamentary Affairs, respectively.
The Chief Minister gave independent charge to 10 ministers of state and attached 10 other ministers of state with himself.
There are 30 cabinet rank and 67 ministers of state in Yadav's council of ministers.
Bureau Report