Phoenix, May 16: President Bush`s job approval ratings are hitting the lowest levels of his tenure as problems in Iraq crowd out other issues for voters, public opinion specialists say. A Newsweek poll released Saturday put Bush`s overall job approval at 42 percent, the lowest yet in that poll. Other recent surveys have rated Bush in the mid-40s. "Iraq is sucking the life out of other issue deliberations among the voters in the campaign," said political scientist Douglas Strand of the University of California-Berkeley. Strand and Merrill Shanks, also a political scientist at the school, have conducted public opinion research on how various issues are affecting the campaign. They found Iraq has had a more dominant effect on the campaign since April 1. Gay marriage and other domestic issues have faded from voters` concerns as problems mount in Iraq, Strand said. Strand and Merrill Shanks, also a political scientist at the school, have conducted public opinion research on how various issues are affecting the campaign. They found Iraq has had a more dominant effect on the campaign since April 1. Gay marriage and other domestic issues have faded from voters` concerns as problems mount in Iraq, Strand said.