Lahore, Oct 08: Benazir Bhutto, the self-exiled ex-Pakistani premier banned from this week's general elections, was beamed live via satellite to a rally here before some 10,000 emotional followers.
From London Bhutto, wearing a yellow headscarf, appeared last night on a massive makeshift cloth screen hung in the grounds of Lahore's ancient walled city, alongside the pink-stoned 16th century Badshahi mosque.
"The generals are afraid of me, that's why they won't let me come back to Pakistan," she said, sparking thunderous cries of "Prime Minister Benazir! Prime Minister Benazir!"

Crowds surged towards the cloth screen when Bhutto's image finally flickered against the night sky after a five hour delay. Police had confiscated the mega-screen that was originally to be used for the link-up, locking up a truck used to transport it.
Speakers from her Pakistan People's Party (PPP) pledged before the crowd to bring Bhutto back from exile and re-elect her Prime Minister if the party wins a majority in Thursday's vote, the first since General Pervez Musharraf seized power.
"Do you want Benazir back?" asked speakers on the stage, prompting cries of "yes, yes," from supporters throwing their hands in the air and waving the PPP's flags.

Bureau Report