Washington, Mar 02: Contrary to popular belief that outsourcing of jobs from United States would effect its economy, major trade groups believe that outsourcing to countries like India and China is the only way to save jobs in America against international competition. Around two hundred such groups have formed a coalition - 'Coalition for American Growth and American Jobs' - to beat back Federal legislation that would restrict foreign outsourcing by government contractors and limit visas for non-American workers with technology skills.

The coalition includes the US Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable, the American Bankers Association, the National Association of Manufacturers and the Information Technology Association of America, as well as individual companies.
While manufacturing jobs from US have been outsourced for decades, The Wall Street Journal noted, the more recent and highly publicised outflow of white-collar jobs - from call centres to software engineering - was causing anxiety among skilled white-collar workers at a time when the growing US economy has not produced many new jobs.

The Journal pointed out that contrary to popular belief, however, the US is creating new high-paying jobs, one growing field being 'logistics'.

These, the Journal said, are precisely the types of value-added jobs the US economy is supposed to create for some of the manufacturing jobs that are leaving.

Bureau Report