New Delhi, Aug 07: Around 600 industrial units, whose cumulative dues towards their employees stood at Rs 10 lakhs or more, have been asked to clear their arrears by Sunday, Rajya Sabha was informed today. "We have identified 600 units, each of which have arrears of Rs 10 lakh or more which they owe to their employees in the form of employees provident fund or other dues", Labour Minister Sahib Singh Verma said during question hour.

He said these units have been given time till August 10 to pay up employees dues failing which stringent action, including imprisonment or blacklisting through naming them in the website, would be taken.

In reply to the main question, Verma said the major reasons for closure of industrial units, lay-offs and retrenchment of workers have been financial stringency, lack of demand, shortage of raw materials and shortage of power. The major causes for lock-outs have been indiscipline and violence, wages and allowance and personnel issues, he said.

Bureau Report