United Nations, June 28: North Korea sharply criticised the United States in a letter warning the UN Security Council to take a neutral stance regarding Pyongyang's nuclear ambitions. The five-page letter, submitted yesterday by North Korean ambassador Pak Gil Yon, was peppered with fiery language accusing Washington of threatening his country and violating international treaties.
Tensions between North Korea and the rest of the world have escalated in recent months as the communist regime admitted nuclear weapons programmes and threatened to sell the technology to others.
The US, which has dubbed North Korea part of the "axis of evil" along with Iran and Saddam Hussein's Iraq, has proposed the Security Council issue a statement denouncing North Korea's nuclear programme.
In the letter, the ambassador called on the Security Council not to be influenced by the American position.
"The Security Council has an obligation to judge ... Whether or not it would be justifiable for one member-state of the United Nations to stifle another member state.''
Still, North Korea wants bilateral talks with the US following by a three-way meeting with the Chinese scheduled for April in Beijing.
The United States agreed earlier this month to move most of the 37,000 American troops in South Korea away from the demilitarised zone separating it from North Korea. Bureau Report