Chennai, May 31: BJP president M Venkaiah Naidu today took strong exception to Congress president Sonia Gandhi's criticism of Vajpayee government's policy towards Pakistan and her stand that India should always keep its door open for talks with that country. "Does she want us to keep quiet even when Pakistan indulges in supporting cross-border terrorism or indulges in Kargil type situation," he asked.
It was unfortunate on the part of a leader of a "matured" party to make some comments on a very sensitive issue like the country's relationship with Pakistan, he told reporters here. Pakistan should stop cross-border terrorism and the international community should exert pressure on that country for putting an end to it.
On the Pakistan government's statement that it would curb the activities of militant organisations in PoK, he said its words should be matched by deeds.
On Sonia Gandhi's statement that her party would stretch its hand towards the poor, Naidu said it only meant that the Congress, which was in power in the country for long, had not reached the poor during its governance of the country. "Congress is devoid of any issue to face the elections to four state assemblies and hence is creating new slogans like Congress hand is for the poor," he said.
On reservation for the economically poor among the forward communities, he said his party wanted a commission to be set up to go into the issue.
There should not be any reduction in the reservation for OBCs and dalits, while providing reservation to the poor in the forward community, he said, adding Prime Minister A B Vajpayee had assured him that he would consider the issue after his return from his tour abroad. He said his party wanted a "fixed tenure" for elected bodies and simultaneous polls to all elected bodies including Lok Sabha, state assemblies, local bodies and co-operatives.
This would avoid frequent elections in the country, he said, adding a public debate should be initiated on this.
Bureau Report