Washington, Apr 11: Some 200 protesters gathered in front of the White House yesterday to demand an end to the US-led "colonial occupation" on Iraq. One year after the fall of Baghdad, protesters decried the US-led occupation of Iraq here in Washington and in some 50 other US cities.
The war opponents met at midday in front of the White House, where a succession of speakers mounted a platform to denounce President George W Bush's policies in the region. "This is occupation, not liberation," one speaker said. "If Bush was lying, what should happen to Bush? he should be impeached because he lied to the Congress”. The Bush administration's main argument for ousting former president Saddam Hussein was that the Iraqi leader was hiding an arsenal of chemical, biological, and possibly nuclear weapons.
Saddam always denied having such weapons, and after the collapse of his regime us arms hunters failed to find the alleged weapons. "This war is total injustice, it's madness, it's imperialism," said Barbara Stapel, a protester in her 50s.
"They destroyed the infrastructures and left nothing else," she said. "Is it the way they're going to gain the heart of people? this is the worst case scenario”.
Some protesters holding signs demanding the withdrawal of US troops compared the conflict to the Vietnam war, during which 58,000 US troops and three million civilians were killed.
Bureau Report