Mumbai: We have often heard people telling us to “think positive”. When we visit someone in a hospital, we wish the ailing person a “speedy recovery”. Positive words send across good vibes, feelings and help the person to recover quickly. Positive thoughts, words and actions make us and others around us happy while the negative ones land us in depression.


Complexities of life often weigh heavily on our minds and we tend to succumb to the pressure. We either harm our health (both physical and mental) or transform into a bundle of negativity by holding on to hopelessness.

Here, we will take a look at five simple ways to drive away negative feelings and reinstate positive thoughts in our minds to live a healthy, happy life.

Choose to be Happy

The moment any negative thought comes to your mind, politely tell your brain to drive it away. Do not run away from it. The moment you consciously start dismissing your negative thoughts, you feel happier. Remember, happiness is a choice. You can remain sad and depressed all your life if you wish to. But what would you choose? Depression or happiness?

Reject negative words

You can embrace positivity by rejecting negative words. For instance, if you want to participate in a singing contest but fear losing it, you must never tell yourself – “I can’t sing as I fear I may lose”.

Instead, tell yourself, “I don’t care much about the result but I can sing”.

If you are unwell, tell yourself – “I am recovering. I am feeling much better”. Never use words such as “I am NOT feeling well”.

Smile a lot

Smile is a curved line that sets things straight. Yes, so smile a lot. Smiles are infectious. When you spread happiness, you indirectly eliminate negativity within you.

Imagine yourself in the happiest state

Negative thoughts often end up becoming shackles that hold you tight. They don’t let you be the happy, cheerful person that you are. Hence, you must break free from the chain of negativity by imagining being in the happiest state. By giving positive wings to your imagination, you tell the negative energy to go away.

Let bygones be bygones – Move forward

Always live in the present. There is no use thinking about the past and worrying about the future. Your present will decide your future. So if you wish to be happy tomorrow, learn how to be happy today. You cannot change your past but you can certainly shape your present. Take life as it comes, reject negative thoughts and encourage yourself to ONLY THINK POSITIVE. Shape your future beautifully by thinking positive today.