Allahabad, Feb 24: Union Human Resources Development Minister Murli Manohar Joshi on Tuesday said the reduction in fees of Indian Institutes of Management would not compromise their autonomous status and assured that the Government would make up for revenue shortfall. The Government would compensate if the IIMs require additional funds for upgrading education infrastructure or for any other needs, he told reporters in Allahabad.
However, Joshi strongly defended the Government's decision to slash the annual fees from Rs 1,50,000 to Rs 30,000, saying the step would benefit students from middle and lower income groups.
"The Government's decision to drastically reduce the fees of the IIMs was a conscious one in view of its commitment to provide equal opportunity to every one to get higher and technical education," he told reporters. Joshi said the Government had taken into account the suggestions of UR Rao committee report and several judicial verdicts expressing concern at "profits" made by technical and professional institutions before deciding to slash fees of the IIMs.
The Minister expressed surprise at the contention that fee reduction would lead to erosion in quality of education at these institutions.
Technical and professional institutes merely add value to their students, who make them what they were on the basis of their talent, Joshi said Bureau Report