Bagram Air Base (Afghanistan), July 02: US-led coalition forces have discovered 15 tonnes of munitions in a cave complex in Uruzgan, a spokesman announced today.
The troops found the latest in a series of arms hauls during searches near Dehrawad, the Uruzgan district where an Afghan wedding was devastated by US aerial strikes on Sunday night. "Coalition special operation forces found another ammunition cache in a cave complex 80 kilometers south-west of Dehrawad," the US military's chief spokesman in Afghanistan, Lieutenant Colonel Roger King, told a briefing here.
The cache contained 15 tonnes of Russian and Chinese made munitions, which would be taken to the US base near the main southern city of Kandahar to be destroyed, King said.
Coalition forces frequently unearth weapons caches in Afghanistan, but have had little direct confrontations with the fugitive al-Qaeda and Taliban extremists they are hunting.

Bureau Report