
Currently riding the crest of the wave of euphoria surrounding the blockbuster "Charlie`s Angels 2: Full Throttle", Cameron Diaz has never had it better. Among the three leading ladies of the summer hit, Diaz is one who gets top billing.
Ever since she hit the screen as the sultry vamp with a heart of gold opposite Jim Carrey in "The Mask", Diaz has gone from strength to strength with a dynamic resume packed with mega hits. That isn`t to say she hasn`t had her share of questionable career moves in her choice of films in the past.
Following the super success of "The Mask", her subsequent releases missed the mark at the box office. It was eventually with "My Best Friend`s Wedding" that her path was paved to enter Hollywood`s A-list of actresses. Playing second fiddle to the almighty Julia Roberts, Diaz held her own admirably as the empty-headed fiancee of Dermont Mulroney. The fact that anybody could share the screen with Roberts, and still hold her own, said a lot for one`s screen presence.
But no movie showcased Cameron Diaz`s charisma and persona as 1998`s "There`s Something About Mary". An outrageous comedy that veered towards the vulgar, it became one of the biggest comedies of the year, catapulting its creators the Cohen Brothers into the big league. As for Diaz, there was no doubt that she played an integral role in the film`s success.
She tried her hand at the offbeat with "Being John Malkovich" opposite John Cusack, with admirable success. By the time the plum role of Natalie in the first "Charlie`s Angels" happened, Cameron Diaz had scaled the high echelons of Hollywood royalty.
Charlie`s Angels: Full Throttle (2003) ... Natalie Cook
Gangs of New York (2002) ... Jenny Everdeane
Sweetest Thing, The (2002) ... Christina
Shrek (2001) ... Princess Fiona
Invisible Circus, The (2001) ... Faith O`Connor
Vanilla Sky (2001) ... Julie Gianni
Charlie`s Angels (2000) ... Natalie
Any Given Sunday (1999) ... Christina Pagniacci
Being John Malkovich (1999) ... Lotte Schwartz
Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) ... Blonde TV Reporter
There`s Something About Mary (1998) ... Mary Jenson
Very Bad Things (1998) ... Laura Garrety
Head Above Water (1997) ... Nathalie
Keys to Tulsa (1997) ... Trudy
My Best Friend`s Wedding (1997) ... Kimmy Wallace
Life Less Ordinary, A (1997) ... Celine Naville
Feeling Minnesota (1996) ... Freddie
Last Supper, The (1996) ... Jude
She`s the One (1996) ... Heather Davis
Mask, The (1994) ... Tina Carlyle