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China reports 13 new cases of SARS, no fatalities
Beijing, Apr 17: China`s health ministry today reported 12 new cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), with the disease spreading to the remote northern Ningxia autonomous region, said the World Health Organisation.
Beijing, Apr 17: China's health ministry today reported 12 new cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), with the disease spreading to the remote northern Ningxia autonomous region, said the World Health Organisation.
In addition, one case was reported by the Shanghai center
for disease control on its website.
The centre said the new case was the father of Shanghai's only other confirmed case.
Nine new cases were reported in southern Guangdong province, China's worst hit area where the mysterious respiratory disease is likely to have originated in November, Jim Rademaekers, World Health Organisation information officer in Beijing, told.
No new fatalities were reported however and no new cases recorded in Beijing despite the who saying yesterday the number infected in the capital could be as high as 200, as opposed to the official 40 cases.
One new case was reported in each of inner Mongolia, Sichuan province and Ningxia, he said.
It was the first case so far reported in Ningxia.
"This increases the total to 1,457 cases in China, with 65 fatalities and 1,107 recovered and discharged from hospital," Rademaekers said.
In Beijing, three suspected deaths due to SARS were variously reported, but they remained to be officially confirmed.
Bureau Report
The centre said the new case was the father of Shanghai's only other confirmed case.
Nine new cases were reported in southern Guangdong province, China's worst hit area where the mysterious respiratory disease is likely to have originated in November, Jim Rademaekers, World Health Organisation information officer in Beijing, told.
No new fatalities were reported however and no new cases recorded in Beijing despite the who saying yesterday the number infected in the capital could be as high as 200, as opposed to the official 40 cases.
One new case was reported in each of inner Mongolia, Sichuan province and Ningxia, he said.
It was the first case so far reported in Ningxia.
"This increases the total to 1,457 cases in China, with 65 fatalities and 1,107 recovered and discharged from hospital," Rademaekers said.
In Beijing, three suspected deaths due to SARS were variously reported, but they remained to be officially confirmed.
Bureau Report