Warren, Dec 16: One of rapper Eminem's childhood homes, in Warren, Michigan, has been on a see-saw ride on the auction block. The home, just north of Detroit, was placed on eBay a month ago and drew hundreds of bids, some of which reached millions of dollars. The two-story home was appraised for $91,000 and was purchased in June by Sebastian Lucido and Roland Fraschetti from Eminem's uncle, Todd Nelson, for $45,000.
Bidding quickly reached seven-figures, and bids reached as high as $12 million, before the owners began to cut illegitimate bids. A new auction began on December 5th, with a minimum bid of $120,000, which, at press time, had yet to be met.
According to the sellers, the three-bedroom home on Timken Avenue was built in 1940 and was purchased by the rapper's great-grandmother in 1952. "Every time Eminem's mom got kicked out of a place, this was the home they'd go to," Lucido told Rolling Stone. "People think that it must be the ghetto, but it's actually very nice, which kind of flies in the face of the image Eminem likes to portray."

If a bid is made that falls short of $120,000, the owners can choose to accept or reject it. Fraschetti told the Detroit Free Press that should it not sell, he and Lucido would likely rent out the home.

Bureau Report