Why start a slimming centre? This is an interesting question with a very complicated answer. Actually, I have always been inclined towards glamour. Though my father asked me to study MBA, being a creative person, I wanted to make beauty, hair-care and fitness my profession. The idea to open VLCC came across when I saw a similar centre in Germany. I copied the concept and established the centre in 1989. As I have never been fascinated with money, I thought of delving into this noble cause.
If you are not obsessed with money why are the services you provide so expensive? The technology that we use is from overseas - from places like Germany and Paris. The infrastructure needs lots of investment. We do try to make our services affordable because until the masses use our products we cannot be successful.
Isn't the beauty you provide artificial? Absolutely not. We use only natural products for treatment of things like acme and dark circles. And we don't even use products from the market. We manufacture our own. Also we do not even believe in surgery. Our success rate is 90 to 92 per cent.
Have you tried some of your beauty tips on yourself? I believe in practising what I preach. I pamper myself with a massage and a facial every Saturday after all, I am a face that everyone sees. I have to look good, nahin to log bolenge ki khud to buddhi hai aur humme sikha rahi hai. In fact, after my baby, I had enrolled to shed a few kilos. I had developed loads of puppy fat and had become 64 kilos. After undergoing the course I returned to 58 kilos.
Why do you have such a fixation for celebrities? They are my clients - Raveena, Sushmita and the others. They are glamourous people and have a good impact on the brand. I never pay them to inaugurate my centres. They are friends and rarely decline my invitation.

Which celebrity do you want to work on? Adnan Sami. I am ready to gift him a package. Absolutely complimentary services. It is a challenge that I will be able to reduce his weight.