Doha, July 28: The leading Arab news network Al-Jazeera today said one of its cameramen arrested by US troops in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul as he filmed an attack on American soldiers had been released. "Our colleague Nawfal Al-Shahwani was released overnight but they (the US soldiers) confiscated the tape he'd made," said Yasser Abu Halala, the Qatar-based channel's correspondent in Baghdad. Al-Jazeera reported Sunday that Shahwani and his driver had been arrested by US forces, adding that Shahwani had gone on hunger strike to protest against his detention and had to be taken to hospital for treatment. A US military spokesman questioned by agencies yesterday said he was not aware of the incident. On Saturday, US deputy secretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz accused Arab news networks of inciting violence against US troops in Iraq and "slanting news incredibly," pointing the finger at Al-Jazeera in particular.

"We're talking to the owners of these stations and asking for some balance," Wolfowitz said, also referring to Dubai-based channel Al-Arabiya.

Bureau Report.