Karlsruhe (Germany), Aug 29: A Moroccan man charged with links to the September 11 attacks on the United States is accused of at least 1,316 counts of aiding murder, federal prosecutor Kay Nehm said today.
Giving details of the charges at a press conference in Karlsruhe, Nehm said Mounir el Motassadeq was accused of "participation in a terrorist organisation".

Nehm did not say when el Motassadeq, 28, would face trial.

El Motassadeq was officially charged yesterday with helping members of the Hamburg cell of the al Qaeda network, blamed for hijacking four airliners and crashing them into targets in the United States last year.
He is alleged to have managed an account at a Hamburg bank for Marwan al Shehhi, from the United Arab Emirates, who drew money to pay for trips to the united states and pilot lessons there.
A suspected al Qaeda member, el Motassadeq shared an apartment in Hamburg with al Shehhi and the Egyptian Mohammad Atta, who is believed to have been the mastermind behind the attacks.

Bureau Report