India on Monday dismissed Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf's demand to pull back its forces from border to peacetime position and asserted the border situation has "not reached a flash point." "We are not", Defence Minister George Fernandes told reporters here when asked whether India would scale down its military build-up. Referring to Musharraf's call made at SAARC summit in Kathmandu for reduction of the military build-up, Fernandes said there is no question of that. "Who is he (General Musharraf) to ask us to pull back," he said.
"Our troops are on the frontline..They are in the bunkers...And they will remain where they are," the Defence Minister said.
Fernandes said he did not think the situation on the border has reached a "flashpoint". "Indian troops are very disciplined and will not do anything that could lead to a flash-point situation."

Asked if India and Pakistan were on the verge of a war, Fernandes said he would not say that. "That might not be the right word to use as diplomatic efforts are still on."
Replying to a question, Fernandes said there had not been a qualitative change in the situation after the SAARC Summit in Kathmandu. "If anyone had hopes.....The SAARC meet.....The hopes have been belied." Bureau Report