New Delhi, July 01: Accusing UP Chief Minister Mayawati of "threatening and blackmailing bureaucrats for mobilising money", Dalit leader Udit Raj today said the ongoing review meetings by her was a "mere gimmick to emotionally appease" the people of the state. "Mayawati has suspended senior IAS officials but she has not yet approached the Centre for the approval. In some cases she has even reinstated suspended officers within a week and awarded them prime postings. This is just a gimmick because it soothes the psychology of the public," Raj, who heads Justice Party, told reporters here.
"Through these meetings, Mayawati is intimidating the officials for mobilising money," the Dalit leader claimed and added, the blatant misuse of power only shows the degeneration of democratic institutions in the state.
Trading his guns against Samajwadi Party and Congress, he said the conspicuous silence of the opposition parties on this issue only shows their lack of vision and ideology.
On the forthcoming assembly elections, the Dalit leader said his party would concentrate on Delhi and would contest in 40-50 seats.

Bureau Report