Doha, Oct 18: Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden today threatened to carry out new suicide missions in the United States and to attack any forces joining the US-led coalition in Iraq, in a tape broadcast by Qatar's al-Jazeera satellite channel. "We will go on fighting you and we will carry on martyrdom (suicide) operations in and outside the united states until you stop being unjust," he warned in an audiotaped "message to the American people" aired by the Doha station. "We reserve the right to retaliate at the proper time and place against all countries that take part in this unjust war (against Iraq), namely Britain, Spain, Australia, Poland, Japan and Italy," said the mastermind of the September 11 suicide hijackings in the United States. "Islamic countries that take part will not be excluded. This applies particularly to the Gulf states, chiefly Kuwait, (which served as) launchpad for the crusader forces."

Al-Jazeera said bin laden was addressing two audio messages to the Iraqi and American peoples saying that the united states "has got bogged down in Iraq and advising the US army to leave it." Bureau Report